Through some rare time fluctuation where both our schedules sync'd for once (i.e., Lisa had the weekend off from the hospital), we were able to catch 3 flicks on Friday and Sunday. Ironically, none of these movies were films we were hoping to see -- Lisa wanted to see Pelham 123, and I wanted to see Moon, but neither of us wanted to see both. What we ended up seeing were three comedies instead.
Since I don't have the energy to write out full and detailed reviews of all three, here are just my quick impressions:
The Proposal: Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds were awesome as two people who hate each other yet grow to love one another. I totally bought their chemistry, and the comedic timing was excellent! They were truly a joy to watch together onscreen, and the film itself had some genuine laugh-out-loud moments. But the nice build-up of the plot doesn't pay off during the climax, and the film nosedives to a crash landing in the end. Very strange, but at least 2/3rds of the movie is worth watching. Rating: 6/10
Year One: I really like Jack Black and Michael Cera in their previous respective movies. And in this one, they were pretty good. Again, the comedic chemistry was for the most part on point between the two. And, of course, I got to feast my eyes on the lovely Olivia Wilde, who is just stunning in here despite the small role. But, I'm afraid there just wasn't enough funny to go around. Quite a few of the set-ups were drawn-out and lame -- particularly the scenes involving the Hunter-Gatherers at the beginning, and the Cain and Abel stuff. Unfortunately, the story goes nowhere and even the jokes dry up halfway through. Skip this one at all costs. Rating: 3/10
The Hangover: Finally, we have a winnar! I don't know how to describe this one, except that it's like the epitome of every road trip comedy you've ever seen -- but with BALLS! Both figuratively and, unfortunately . . . literally. I like even more the fact that none of the lead actors in here are big names. I mean, when Bradley Cooper is the top billing name on the credits, you know you're not dealing with Hollywood's A-list in the movie you're about to see. No offense to Mr. Cooper, who I actually do think is a great method actor. But yes, all I can say is to GO SEE THIS! Like, right now!! Oh, and I'm so glad my Vegas pre-wedding night didn't go anywhere near the territory this film treads. It takes the old Vegas adage to the limits! Rating: 8/10
Hope you all had a good weekend. If you've seen any of these movies and would like to add your own comments, please feel free to do so below.
First Date Movie

A few entries down, I wrote about the 15th anniversary of mine and Lisa's prom night on June 2, 1994. Well, yesterday was the anniversary of our actual first date. And, if you knew me, you know that would invariably mean going to the movies!
We went after taking our final exams of our high school careers, to see the only campy movie out on that Friday -- Wolf, starring Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer!
Of course, I barely remember the movie because...ahem...I had other things on my mind at the time. But the little bit I did commit to memory I liked. I would subsequently watch the movie on my own while in college and confirm that it was, indeed, pretty darn good (despite what the critics and moviegoers said), but of course the film holds an added special place in my heart since it was our first movie ever.
Coincidentally, the film that would later become OUR movie -- Forrest Gump -- was also playing at the theater. But we didn't get around to catching that until nearly a year later when it came out on VHS.
(wow, how dated does that technological reference now sound?)
Anyway, the date went well, despite the fact that we went with her friends...who luckily had the decency to leave us mostly alone in an opposite corner of the theater. Lisa was nervous, I could tell, and so I didn't push the issue. We were still kids, after all. And to me nothing seemed more casual and innocent than a quick flick after school. We had all summer and endless other opportunities to get serious and gaze longingly into each other's eyes. (heh, heh)
After the movies, I walked her to the place where she worked in the mall, and then took the bus and subway home alone. Don't remember the ride back, but I do recall we had a VERY long phone conversation after she got off work later that night.
Ah, young love!
What was your first date movie?
Obama Gets His Karate Kid On
I mean, I knew he had skillz...but damn!
My only comment: watch out Kim Jong Il. This is what you're up against, if you keep on the crazy. Just saying.
My only comment: watch out Kim Jong Il. This is what you're up against, if you keep on the crazy. Just saying.
High School Sweethearts
Last week marked 15 years since Lisa and I started dating. We were seniors at the time and shared most of the same classes, but we didn't really hit it off until the night of our senior prom. I asked her to dance with me, and she said yes! And the rest, as they say, was history. I remember coming home and being so dazed and overwhelmed with flooding emotions. Little did I know that I would end up marrying this girl!
These pictures were taken several months before we started seeing each other, and it's funny how innocent and veiled our comments written on the back were to each other. Just the usual polite stuff friends write to other friends, wishing them all the best in the future and eliciting a promise to "K.I.T." (keep in touch).
Lisa and I had been accepted into different colleges, so when we eventually did start to go out, I remember being extremely frustrated. Why, I asked of fate . . . why did you have to send her into my life NOW? What about all those previous angst-ridden high school years? Why now when I have to go away to college and away from New York for approx. 4 years?
We questioned whether it was a good idea to start a relationship that was only doomed to end by the end of the summer. Or, rather, I questioned it. I think Lisa knew all along what we would end up doing. She's smart like that.
By the end of the summer, we had grown a lot together as a couple. I know it sounds cheesy -- like typical teen romance crap -- but honestly, we had become extremely close. So close that, as my departure date arrived, my heart grew heavier and more anxious. Finally we had a long talk one night. About us. About how we should keep this going, despite the nearly 160 miles (and one state border) that separated our two colleges. And I felt so stupid for having worried all summer long. Because it never crossed my mind that we could still make it work despite being apart for months at a time.
But make it work we did. Some people say long distance relationships are doomed. Especially college ones. Well, we're living proof that, on the contrary, they sometimes work! The key is for both people to know themselves really well, and to have open communication at all time. And of course, to love one another unconditionally. Sometimes being alone really got to me while attending school in the frozen northern wilds of Vermont, but honestly I can't say it was all that difficult for us in the long run. We visited each other as much as we could. And of course we both came from the same hometown, so this meant holidays and summertime was OUR time to make up for being apart! :)
Anyway, looking at these two photos, it's amazing to think that we were ever so young. It no longer amazes me that we have been together for so long, however. Aside from those 4 years apart, we've been together every step of the way. Through thick and thin. We moved in together 2 years after graduating college, and got married less than 5 years after that. Our wedding anniversary has now supplanted our prom night anniversary. We don't even celebrate that date anymore. But every now and then we lie in bed together and reminisce about that summer of '94. It's all a blur, really. But certain moments stand out starkly. Our first movie. Our first kiss. Our first kiss in the rain.
These are memories I cherish to this day.
So here's to us darling. 15 years and I still don't annoy you (much)! Who'd a thunk it?
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