Rainy Day

Hey everybody!

Despite my promises to the contrary, I'm actually logging in from (another) Internet cafe here in Paris. This time I found one tucked away in a small cobble-stoned street about a stone's throw away from Notre Dame. I love this city -- and this area the most!

Anyway, it's a dreary rainy day today, so a lot of our outdoor plans are in limbo. I'm trying to decide whether to risk the trip up Montparnasse Tower (sp check, please!) to take yet another panoramic video of Paris. I already have one from atop the Eiffel Tower, as well as from the steps of Sacre Coeur perched atop Montmartre. But because of the bad weather, I might have to nix this next trip.

We were going to head down into the catacombs afterwards. We might still do that, although I think it's going to be freezing down there -- and I didn't pack for this kind of chill!

Anyway, just wanted to check in and let everyone know we're still having an awesome time. The food could not be any yummier, nor the people any nicer. Oh, and we've been riding the metro A LOT! I'm like an expert now! It's so awesome, really. Much smoother and cleaner than NYC's subway of course. But also nowhere near as crowded. Even at the height of what passes for morning rush hour here (which begins around 9:00am, as opposed to our 7:00) there is still a few seats available and room to breathe. I can't say I'm quite used to the idea of having to open up the train doors yourself (by hand!), but it's charming in its own way. I have a video that shows what I'm talking about, which I'll post when we get back.

Well, that's all for now. I hope the weather where you are is a lot better than it is here today. While the gloom fits more with my mental pic of Paris anyway, the cold is a real bummer. It makes visiting all the outdoor sites a major drag.

Before I go, a few words of warning for when I get back:

There will be MANY blog entries, covering various aspects of our trip, with a TON of pics and some videos. Those of you on my Facebook list -- be doubly warned! You may be getting the same stuff twice! I'm also planning a special Highlander-themed update of all the exciting sites from the tv series which I got to visit. Words alone cannot explain how awesome this was! You'll see, you'll see. :)

Au revoir!