LUSTING: American Apparel Nail Polish

I have a love-hate relationship with American Apparel. I hate their hipster-than-thou-pervy-ironic clothing but on the other hand they make some good quality clothing, have an excellent colour palette and, well, a little perviness doesn't hurt anyone. Imagine my surprise and curiousity when in an American Apparel store recently I spotted a rack of nail polishes!

Top Row L-R: Poppy, Factory Grey
Second Row L-R: Passport Blue, Hunter
Third Row L-R: Dynasty, Palm Springs,
Bottom Row L-R: Berries, Pinto

Yup, American Apparel is now making nail polish, but just like their clothes and their advertising, they're paving their own route in the beauty department. ALL of their 18 colours are cremes, which means there's no sparkle, iridescence or glitter, just glossy shine and colour. All have the typical AA 80s/self-conscious inspiration - Dynasty, Pinto, Memo, Cotton, Hassid

I have not picked any of these up just yet, but I definitely will be. Likely on my nails will be Hunter (deep green) and either Factory Grey (cool grey) or Mouse (warm grey). These polishes are made without formaldehyde by a polish-making, family-run business in NYC and retail for $7.50 CDN/$6 US.

I will do a review once I own some of these. Stay tuned!
