MAC: All Ages, All Races, All Sexes Blushes

There are two new Beauty Powder Blushes from MAC in this collection, both LE. Beauty Powder Blushes are some of my favourite blushes due to their silkiness and good pigmentation.  They also have fine but subtle shimmer throughout.

Swatch done on NC 35-40 skin, indoor light and flash.

Left to right: Personal Style and All's Good

Blushes ($22.00 CA/18.50 US)

Personal Style - described as a "light mauve taupe".  I would describe it as a pale pink taupey beige.  As you can see it is very close to my actual skintone, just a tiny bit pinker.  I see this working as a subtle contour for most and only as a blush for the lightest of skintones.  Similar to A Perfect Cheek.

All's Good - a deep brown rose.  Initially I was worried because it looked very brown in the pot and fairly brown swatched.  Probably best for skintones in the NC range, I found this blush a lot rosier once on my cheeks. Very pigmented, best applied with a very light hand and a duo fibre brush.

General Comments

Both of these colours are not exactly typical blush colours.  Personal Style is quite pale and All's Good is on the deep side.  I wouldn't say either of these are must haves, but are wearable in their respective fashions.  I can say I don't own another blush like All's Good.