FOTD: Layered Eyeliner

Layering eyeliner is one of my favourite tricks. I wear liquid eyeliner a lot and to mix it up allows me to stick with one of my basics but make it look a little different. It keeps me from getting bored. I like makeup that's got secrets too - unless you look close at this, it looks like a basic liquid eyeliner, but when you look a little closer, you can see it's two different colours.

I used a dark burgundy purple (MAC's Dark Diversions Fluidline) liner and a line of matte olive-green on top. You can do this with pretty much any combination of colour - dark blue and light blue, dark blue and orange, dark brown and bronze, dark purple and light purple, blue and purple. It's the depth of the colours and the texture of the products that makes the difference. For subtleness and sophistication, use darker, flat (matte) colours, for drama use metallics and brighter colours.

I would've loved to use an acid green shade instead, but I didn't have one and they're hard to find! Makeup Forever's Apple Green 91 comes close to what I had in mind.

Here's what else I had on.

L to R: Kiehl's Ultra Facial Tinted Moisturizer in Light, Carol Baker Mineral Matte Cream to Powder Foundation and MAC Venomous Villains Magically Cool Liquid Powder in Truth & Light.

MAC Sheertone Blush in Pink Swoon

MAC Fluidline in Dark Diversion

MAC Eyeshadow in Velvet Moss
To make this liquid, I scraped a bit of the eyeshadow onto the lid and mixed it with MAC Mixing Medium. You can do this with any powder (just make sure it's safe to use on the eye area first), and it works well with loose powder like pigments.

MAC Lipstick in Made With Love

Benefit Bad Gal Mascara

It's a pretty simple look. Play with it and see what you come up with! 
