I hope this baby's happy, because he's just unleashed the biblical apocalypse on us!
Seriously, though, I'm getting so sick and tired of all this Swine Flu fear mongering going on in the media these days. Are they SO desperate to find something new to report? Also, can they change the name? Since this current flu strain is a mixture of avian, pig, and human viruses, it's a misnomer to label it the "swine" flu, don't you think? Or is it just me?
I'm heading to San Diego next week, which means I'll be as close to Mexico as you can be in the U.S. without actually being on the other side of the fence. But do you see me worried?
Just to be on the safe side, though, I will stay away from the newborn babies belonging to my friends and family when I get back. I'm not even one iota worried about my own chances of contracting this, but I'm not about to put young, old, or compromised immune systems to the test either.
Still, I think this is much ado about nothing. And I sincerely wish the news would stop wasting my time with this already. It's been 4 full days now of nonstop coverage on the local stations. Yesterday while I was jogging on my treadmill and watching tv, channel 7 news spent the first 17 minutes of their coverage on just this one asinine topic alone! At minute 18, they said: "And now on to other news . . ."