A very cool new brand new tool is up on the American MAC website! Why it's not available on the Canadian version of the website is unknown and annoying to me. It's so much fun though.
You all know you can create your own palettes using pans and empty 4 eyeshadow, 15 eyeshadow or 6 blush palettes. Well, MAC is making it easier to order these online by creating a drag-and-drop tool so you can pick and choose your colours and then see what they look like together in a palette. You can drag, drop, shuffle, re-shuffle and see which colours go together and even name your palette whatever you'd like.
For fun I did a 15 palette one to see how it looked. I chose some of my favourites - Satin Taupe, Vex, Sketch, Contrast - and some I want to own - Silver Knight, Swiss Chocolate, Twinks, Electra.

Play around and see what combinations you can come up with! It's fun.