The days are shorter, the wind is chillier and our skin is drier, itchier and more painful. It's all about acclimatizing and in a few months we'll forget how we're suffering now, but in the meantime, here's a tip to at least help your skin transition.
If you're like me, your skin gets itchy, dry, rough and tight. I don't have time to put moisturizer on every morning and I often forget. Last year, Oil of Olay came out with a shower moisturizer which did the trick. You wash as usual and then you slather this stuff on and rinse it off. It leaves your skin smooth and soothed and saves you that extra step of massaging in a body lotion after you've dried off.

Did you know that applying moisturizer after a shower when your skin is still warm and wet (and pores are open) allows it to absorb more deeply and thoroughly? But why spend money on a shower moisturizer when you can just use any lotion in the shower? Same idea and same effect!
I have lots of half-used moisturizers that were either gifts or samples or don't work so well, or for whatever other reason. I've been lining them up in the shower and after I use my bar soap or shower gel, I step out of the spray and slather on body lotion. It blends with the water and forms what feels like a very creamy shower gel but instead of washing your skin, it's moisturizing it. Then step back under the spray and rinse off the excess. Towel off as usual, but you will notice the difference immediately. Obviously, the richer the lotion, the more moisturized your skin but experiment and see what works best for you.
Try it, you'll be amazed how well it works and let us know how this tip works for you!